Knowing Christ and Making Him Known
​A Southern Baptist Church Proclaiming God's Holy Word in Spartanburg Since 1840.
(864) 579-2400

Exciting Opportunity! Join Us on a Trip to The Ark Encounter & Creation Museum!
Zion Hill Baptist Church is planning a special trip to The Ark Encounter & Creation Museum in Kentucky from June 25-28, 2025. This will be a wonderful time of fellowship, faith, and fun as we explore these incredible attractions together!
Whether you're fascinated by Biblical history or simply want to enjoy a meaningful getaway with our church family, this trip is for you!
If you're interested in joining us, please let us know by January 31, 2025 so we can finalize details.
Interested? Contact Brandon Gibson at and use the Subject Line "Ark Trip".
Thank you for visiting Zion Hill Baptist Church online. As followers of Jesus Christ, we seek to present Him to you. We believe that Jesus truly is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We believe this thorough thorough study of the Word of God, the Bible. The Bible itself has and continues to stand the test of time and critics.
Seeing that Jesus Christ is Who he claimed to be, we have no greater message than that of Jesus, the Son of God. It is through Him that we have forgiveness of sin and the gift of eternal life. For this reason, we seek not only to tell people that they should put their faith in Jesus, but also show them why they should.
I pray that if you have never put your faith in Jesus Christ, that you will be drawn to Him today. Call on Him through Prayer (Romans 10:13) and begin the journey of a lifetime walking with Him, and then anticipate eternal joys in His presence in Heaven.
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, I pray that you will be encouraged and inspired in your walk with Him each day.
If you do not have a church home, we welcome you to contact our church office and come visit us for worship.
In Christ's Service
Pastor Keith Davis